Milford Urgent Care

Family MedicineMilford, CT

Family medicine is just what it sounds like: healthcare for the whole family, no matter the age. Family doctors are primary care physicians that treat patients of all ages and often have entire families on their patient dockets. Having one doctor has many advantages for everyone involved.

At MD Care Now, we have a family doctor for those who want a comprehensive approach to their family’s healthcare. To learn more about family medicine or schedule an appointment, call (203) 878-1006 today.

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What is Family Medicine

Family medicine is a subfield within primary care that encompasses various treatments for patients of all ages, from infants to seniors. Unlike other healthcare specialists, family medicine practitioners are not concerned with a specific disease, ailment, or condition. They are general physicians that are qualified and trained to care for, monitor, and treat conditions as they arise through a person’s life.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), family doctors provide much more than just healthcare, but also:

  • Care for patients regardless of age or health condition, sustaining an enduring and trusting relationship
  • Understanding of community-level factors and social determinants of health
  • Serving as a patient’s first contact for health concerns
  • Navigating the health care system with patients, including specialist and hospital care coordination and follow-up
  • Using data and technology to coordinate services and enhance care
  • Considering the impact of health on a patient’s family

Types of Services Offered

Family doctors may have their own practice and clinic, or they may work in a community center with other practitioners. In either case, patients become part of the family doctor’s patient list and they are their sole primary care provider. They provide a plethora of services including, but not limited to:

  • Routine checkups, including well-baby and child visits
  • Health risk assessments
  • Immunizations
  • Screening tests
  • Healthy lifestyle counseling
  • Treatment of common chronic conditions

Family doctors can also treat patients in the hospital, deliver emergency care, provide OB care, and perform various invasive procedures such as colonoscopies, endoscopies, skin procedures, ultrasound imaging, and vasectomies, among others. Finally, family doctors can manage chronic conditions alongside specialists, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and hypertension, cancer, and asthma.

Benefits of Seeking a Family Doctor

Seeking a family physician has many advantages. For one, they treat all members of a family, reducing transportation time and wait times, thereby cutting the amount of work or school time off. They are well-versed in every developmental stage, allowing them to assess a patient’s overall health record over the course of their life. The AAFP states that access to a family doctor has been linked to reduced infant mortality, higher birth weights, immunization rates above national standards, lower overall health care costs, and longer, healthier lives.

Family doctors also provide preventive care, comprehensive care, coordinated care, chronic care, ongoing care, and resources beyond medical care. They offer routine check-ups that keep patients up-to-date on their necessary health checks, such as lab work, to keep them healthy and prevent disease. They can coordinate care by referring patients to qualified specialists within their network and working alongside them to build a comprehensive treatment plan. They can help manage chronic illnesses and take necessary measures to ensure their treatments are going well. Finally, family doctors know the community and can help patients connect to local resources, such as healthy food stores, rehabilitation centers, and support groups.

What to Expect

Each appointment will differ depending on the reason for a patient’s visit. During the initial consultation, we like to get to know our patients and record as much of their medical history and current health status as possible. This involves attaining any prior records, asking questions, taking vitals and measurements, and assessing any concerns the patient currently has.

During subsequent visits, patients can expect to take vitals and any necessary health checks at the start of the visit. Then, we will move on to the primary concern of the visit, whether that may be a routine check-up, administering shots, taking tests or screenings, or performing a procedure. In most cases, the patient will know what will take place during their next appointment unless it is an emergency visit. We encourage patients to ask questions and call with any concerns as they arise.

Schedule a Visit Today

A family doctor is available at our office. The MD Care Now team looks forward to treating you and your family. Call our office at (203) 878-1006 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Family Medicine

What is unique about family medicine?

Family medicine is the only subfield in healthcare that caters to the needs of the entire family. This allows all members to visit the same doctor, often during the same visit. They are also well-versed in many aspects of medicine and can perform many procedures or refer patients to specialists they work with.

What is the primary role of a family doctor?

The primary role of a family doctor is health promotion and illness prevention. Ongoing care with one doctor has been shown to prevent many conditions from arising or progressing. They also focus on comprehensive and ongoing care.

What types of treatments can a family doctor provide?

Family doctors provide routine health check-ups and exams, prescribe medications, treat minor illnesses and injuries, manage chronic conditions, and perform screenings for common health problems. They can also refer patients to specialists or the emergency room.

What is the difference between a primary care provider and a family doctor?

Primary care providers and family doctors are similar in that they both provide comprehensive medical care. However, a primary care doctor may be fixed in one age group, such as infancy or adult care. Family doctors treat patients of all ages and have a wider understanding of the developmental stages.

Which specialists can a family doctor refer me to?

Family doctors can refer patients to any medical specialist. That includes pain management doctors, oncologists, dermatologists, chiropractors, therapists, addiction specialists, and many more. We will likely assess and diagnose your condition, discuss options, and then recommend a specialist.

Contact Us

MD Care Now is located at
2044 Bridgeport Ave Ste K
Milford, CT

(203) 878-1006