Milford Urgent Care

Pain ManagementMilford, CT

For many patients, pain management is a necessary part of everyday life. Pain can make it challenging to carry out even the simplest of tasks. If you are dealing with pain that interferes with your day-to-day routine, pain management may be right for you.

Pain management is available at MD Care Now in Milford and the surrounding area. There is never any reason to suffer unnecessarily. Call us today at (203) 878-1006 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services. We also accept walk-ins.

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Understanding Pain

Pain can be understood as any uncomfortable feeling that points to something going wrong. It may be described as aching, pinching, stabbing, steady, or throbbing, among many other descriptors. It ranges from mild to severe, and it may be associated with other physical symptoms.

There are several different types of pain: acute, chronic, nociceptive, and neuropathic.

Acute Pain

Acute pain tends to be severe but short-lived and serves to signal injury. Contrary to the name seeming minor, certain types of acute pain can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Chronic Pain

In contrast, chronic pain may exist on a spectrum of severity and will persist for long periods. It also often occurs due to a disease that may require ongoing treatment.

Nociceptive Pain

The most common type of pain is nociceptive pain, caused by the stimulation of nociceptors. Nociceptors are pain receptors for tissue injury and are present throughout the body, especially the skin and internal organs. Like acute pain, they send electrical signals to the brain whenever they are stimulated by potential harm. However, nociceptive pain can be either acute or chronic.

Neuropathic Pain

Less common is neuropathic pain, which occurs due to dysfunction or damage to the nervous system. These dysfunctional or damaged nerves misfire pain signals then fire pain signals for no apparent reason. Neuropathic pain is often chronic, but it can sometimes go away on its own.

Understanding Pain Management

Pain management, also known as pain medicine, is a specialty branch of medicine that uses evidence-based practices to reduce pain. It can encompass virtually any health condition that causes pain. The process can be simple or complex, depending on the condition being treated. For example, a herniated disc will typically require a simple epidural injection and physical therapy.

However, if this is not sufficient, we may employ other skills and techniques as necessary. In some cases, patients may also benefit from other alternative therapies, chiropractic therapy, interventional procedures, medication management, physical therapy, psychological counseling and support, or referral to other medical specialists.

Patients should also keep in mind that we will treat the pain according to its duration, history, aggravating and relieving factors, and any causal structures. Any structure that causes pain must have a nerve supply and be vulnerable to injury, and the patient must feel pain when said structure is stimulated. We can help identify the exact source of pain and determine the best treatment for the patient.

Who Pain Management Doctors Are

Doctors who provide pain management and treatment are physicians who have undergone special training to evaluate, diagnose, and treat all different types of pain. Pain is a broad spectrum of disorders, some of which can coexist simultaneously. It may also be derived from various causes or pop up without any evident reason.

As the field of medicine continues to evolve, professionals also continue to learn more about the various complexities of pain. As such, the need for doctors who provide pain management only continues to grow. Their advanced training and knowledge on the physiology of pain, the ability to evaluate patients with complex pain issues, and their understanding of how to utilize specialized tests in diagnosis make them invaluable. They can also accurately prescribe medications to treat various pain problems and have the necessary skills to perform multiple pain-relieving procedures.

Pain management is a quickly growing field with an increasing number of intricacies. With every year comes new and complex medications, techniques, and technologies. At MD Care Now, our team can also play an instrumental role in coordinating additional care with physical therapists, psychotherapists, and rehabilitation programs.

Call Us Today

Pain management can make everyday life easier to navigate. We at MD Care Now can help. Call us today at (203) 878-1006 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services. We also accept walk-ins.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of training do you need to become a pain management doctor?

Doctors who provide pain management treatment must earn a college degree and complete four years of medical school. They must then spend four additional years completing a residency in anesthesiology. Some may also choose to receive an additional year of fellowship training to become subspecialists in treating pain.

Why should I see a pain management doctor instead of my primary care physician?

Pain itself is not an unnatural phenomenon. It often goes away in a short period, even without professional treatment. However, more severe pain may require more severe attention. If you are experiencing pain that interferes with your everyday activities, your doctor may refer you to see a pain management doctor. As with most health conditions, early intervention is key to preventing pain (and its underlying conditions) from worsening.

What can I expect when I see a pain management doctor?

In some ways, your first visit to a pain management doctor will be similar to your first visit to a primary care physician. Your doctor will examine your medical history, and you will undergo a thorough physical exam. The doctor may also order additional tests, such as blood tests or radiographic images. You may need to undergo more tests if you have chronic pain. Then, the doctor will draw up the best treatment plan for your unique needs.

Why is my pain better or worse some days?

It is hard to answer this question without a thorough evaluation. However, if you notice that certain activities aggravate your pain, medication may be able to help. A one-on-one consultation will give you the answers you are looking for.

Can acute pain turn into chronic pain?

Yes. If not appropriately treated, acute pain can be prolonged. Chronic pain is any pain that lasts longer than three months.

When should I seek out pain management?

Seek out medical attention if you have any pain that interferes with your day-to-day activities or if your pain lasts for three months or longer. Otherwise, you run the risk of exacerbating your condition.

Contact Us

MD Care Now is located at
2044 Bridgeport Ave Ste K
Milford, CT

(203) 878-1006